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Moving large amounts of material often means a high workload mixed with compromised ergonomics and sometimes high demands on hygiene.

An automated vacuum transport frees up resources, minimizes workload and streamlines both time consumption and quantity moved in one fell swoop.

Combined with vacuum lifts, vacuum transport is usually the optimal solution for companies that handle large amounts of material, whether at the beginning or end of the production chain.

Some choose to pack their product in bags and then stack them on pallets. Others choose to buy bags from other manufacturers, which they then open and transport forward in their own production chain.

Regardless of what need you have to transport goods or materials, together we can review the possibilities of automating your process.

We understand that all production lines have their challenges and that no two lines are the same. Together with PIAB, we develop the solution that your production needs.

Are you unsure of what a vacuum transport can add to your company? Get in touch via the contact form, we will be happy to answer questions and help you straighten out the way forward.


Heavy and repetitive lifting takes a toll on the person performing them. Lifting with the help of vacuum is both gentler and more efficient in many respects.

A vacuum lift is usually supplemented with a traverse system, a crane arm or a robot and eases the workload in many different types of environments.

Autovac helps you develop an optimized solution for you. We have good insight into which processes require which solutions and we have a good understanding of how to deal with limitations in production premises and handling processes.

There is a large range of standard products in the vacuum lift segment that are intended to meet the general need. However, we know that these products are not always suitable for your particular purpose and therefore we also offer to produce lifting tools that are intended to meet the requirements that are not met by a standardized range.

We have a good collaboration with Lyft Online (formerly Svenska Vakuum), which gives us an even wider palette of historical customer cases that required specific solutions.

Are you unsure of what a vacuum lift can add to your company? Get in touch via the contact form, we will be happy to answer questions and help you lift your production.


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